Update 3.5.21

Fix: Updated stylesheets to modify system folders to lower case because robots.txt blocks none lower case access to those folders.

Update 3.5.20

New: Can now pay for a service in advance of booking a time.

Update 3.5.19

Fix: Replace a missing file from the file manager.

Update 3.5.18

New: Function on business objects "ToHTML(HTMLToMerge)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the object to output HTML.

New: Function on business collections "ToHTMLArray(ItemHTMLToMerge, TopCount, Randomise, Page)" which will merge HTML passed as parameter to the items in the collect to output an array of HTML.

  • TopCount: is the number of items to output. -1 for all.
  • Randomise: if true will shuffle the items in the collection before outputing the TopCount.
  • Page: the first item to output will be (Page - 1) x TopCount + 1.

Update 3.5.17

Fix: Searching collections for text did not filter the results.

Update 3.5.16

New: Can now list all visible articles by using the attribute "PageType=ContentView" or the shortcut path "content/" in your URL. This is useful for listing the results when searching the content of the website.

New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForArticleView which you can use to add a search box to the content, blog, exhibit, guestbook and shop views to search for articles.

New: Function GenerateHTMLSearchControlForDirectoryView which you can use to add a search box to the directory view to search for users.

Update: Removed unused / unnecessary spare properties from Users business object.