Update 3.17.2

Fix: Views using inheritance would get an error due to inherited tables not fully loaded.

Update 3.17.1

New: Properties UpdateReleasePhase and VersionReleasePhase on the Application. UpdateReleasePhase specifies the release phase allowed when installing updates. VersionReleasePhase is the release phase of the currently installed version. These properties replace IsBetaTestSite and IsBetaVersion. The release phases are:

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Stable

New: Property DebugMode on the Application. When true will output debug logs and reference the original (or non-minified) scripts and stylesheets.

Fix: Mispelt property name CustomDefinitionNamesStartWith.

Update 3.17.0

New: Properties Async and Defer on TemplateScript. When these properties are set to True an attribute of the same name is added to the script element when output to HTML.

New: Property Minify on TemplateScript and TemplateStylesheet. When this property is set to True the systems checks for a file with the same name including ".min" after the file name. If the minified file does not exist or is older than the original file, a new minified file will be created. The minified file will be reference in the output HTML.

New: Base and backend scripts and stylesheets have been bundled, minified and referenced offsite from a common code library.

New: css3-mediaqueries.js now only loads for IE9 and lower.

New: All scripts have been set to defer with the exception of css3-mediaqueries.js and html5shiv.js which only load on IE9 and lower.

New: JQuery core is now referenced from a CDN.

Update 3.16.10

New: A location (i.e. France) can receive deliveries from multiple pickup outlets. To do this, include the location in multiple delivery zones (i.e. Europe from United Kingdom or Europe from Hong Kong). When the user selects a freight rate, the pickup outlet is determined by the delivery zone of that freight rate.

Update 3.16.9

New: You can now see the order related to a service booking where applicable.