Update 3.19.8

New: The Default User Country can now be set via Configure Components. You should only set this if you are only targetting and delivering to users from that country. Leaving this blank will allow the system to auto-detect where the user is located. However, make sure you are either requesting the user's geolocation via the browser they are using or you have the IP Ranges list imported to the database to detect location based on IP address. Without either of these the system will detect the user's browser culture settings which is not always accurate as most browsers come installed with en-US by default and the user is not asked to confirm it.

New: Can now set how deep to allow search engines to index/follow article list (blog/shop/etc.) combinations of categories, tags, authors, etc. This can be set in Configure Components via property Article View Follow Depth.

New: The title and description of article list (blog/shop/etc.) groups, categories, tags, etc. are now included as meta tags when listing via the category, tag, etc.

New: Can now set how deep to allow search engines to index/follow directory list combinations of industries, regions, etc. This can be set in Configure Components via property Directory View Follow Depth.

New: The title and description of directory list groups, industries, regions, etc. are now included as meta tags when listing via the industry, region, etc.

Fix: ServiceBooking.SendConfirmationLetter and ServiceBooking.SendConfirmationLetter would allow execute but throw an error when the user's email status was not active.

Fix: ServiceTimes.SpecifyUsers would throw an error when there was no user (due to guest checkout) or the user's email status was not active.

Update 3.19.7

Fix: Scheduling and running from the correct email collection.

Fix: Default value for Order.PayByOtherMethod.ReceivedOn now includes time.

Fix: Order.Complete in some circumstances would not complete due to session timeout or reset.

Fix: TradingItem.GetDiscountPricesFormatted would only display prices applicable for selected user if one existed.

Update 3.19.6

Fix: Error when listing article comments.

Update 3.19.5

Fix: GenerateHTMLGroupsListForArticleView and GenerateHTMLGroupsListForDirectoryView would include all when parent supplied even though there was no subgroup.

Update 3.19.4

Fix: Forms generated from merge fields via Definition.GenerateHTMLForm had their lists reloaded.

Update 3.19.3

Fix: When outputing a page to a static file the script elements were not included.

Fix: Modified XHTML replace function to better handle empty textarea and script element.

Fix: Payment.ReceivedOn was not storing the time part.

Fix: RSS feed for the shop did not include shipping weight which is needed for import to Google Merchant Center.

Update 3.19.2

Fix: Enhance Workspace object to standalone from the BusinessApplication object.