Update 4.14.20

Fix: Found reference to code library based stylesheet in HTML editor which may cause problems with Google's algorithm for detecting malicious or unwanted software.

Fix: Object clean up in BusinessObject.GetPropertyValue disposing primary objects, collections and application.

Fix: BusinessApplication.Item when passing a file name.

Update 3.19.30

Fix: Found reference to code library based stylesheet in HTML editor which may cause problems with Google's algorithm for detecting malicious or unwanted software.

Update 5.2.0

New: The following properties were created on the website and group objects to return published articles visible to the current user.

  • VisibleArticles with filename content
  • VisibleBlogPosts with filename blog
  • VisibleForumTopics with filename forum
  • VisibleGalleries with filename galleries
  • VisiblePages with filename testimonials
  • VisibleTestimonials with filename testimonials
  • VisibleProducts with filename products
  • VisibleServices with filename services
  • VisibleSubscriptions with filename subscriptions
  • VisibleCourses with filename courses

New: Filter functions on articles to match those in Article Views. These are created so the article views can be replaced without breaking the existing URLs.

  • FilterByCategory
  • FilterByTag
  • FilterByBrand
  • FilterByAuthor
  • FilterByCountry
  • FilterByState
  • FilterByRegion
  • FilterByIssue

New: The following property was created on the website object to return users visible to the current user.

  • VisibleUsers with filename directory

New: The following property was created on group objects to return current memberships visible to the current user.

  • VisibleMemberships with filename directory

New: Filter functions on the users and visible memberships to match those in Directory Views. These are created so the directory views can be replaced without breaking the existing URLs.

  • FilterByIndustry
  • FilterByCountry
  • FilterByState
  • FilterByRegion

New: You can filter a collection of items by any item property that has the attribute AllowFilter set to true. This can be done by passing a name value pair in the URL. For example, /pages/template/website-default will return the pages where the template is equal to "website-default". However, when passing the name value pair as a parameter, the parameter name must be the property name plus "Filter". For example, /pages?TemplateFilter=website-default.

New: When specifying PageType=CollectionView, PageType=ObjectView or PageType=MethodView in the URL, the system will NOT attempt to find a custom template specific to that collection, object or method but instead use the standard template (see below) if available otherwise the system will generate the view.

  • business-application
  • business-collection
  • business-collection-item
  • business-object
  • method

New: You can now customise the template for exceptions (errors). The system will look for a template called exception and use that to display if found, otherwise will use the website default template.

New: Added response statuses BadRequest, Unauthorized and InternalServerError when the appropriate exception was thrown.

New: You can output the URL response in HTML, JSON and now in XML and CSV as well. At this stage input is only via HTML (forms). You can also access these via:

  • BusinessObject.ToHTML
  • BusinessObject.ToJSON
  • BusinessObject.ToXML
  • BusinessObject.ToCSV

New: CSV, XML and now JSON can now be selected as the output format when export a collection.

New: The following have been deprecated:

  • BusinessCollection.ToXMLList
  • BusinessCollection.ToXMLValueList

New: Properties on business object.

  • BaseURLParameters are the parameters which define the base business object. For example, Collection=Products, Collection=Products&ID=121065 or PrimaryCollection=Products&PrimaryObjectID=121065&ForeignCollectionProperty=Categories.
  • CustomURLParameters are the other parameters which customise the business object. For example, SearchText=widget&Page=3.
  • URLParameters now includes both Base and Custom parameters. For example, Collection=Products&SearchText=widget&Page=3
  • RelativeURLPath is the shortcut path to a business object. For example, products/, products/widget/ or products/widget/categories/
  • RelativeURL includes both the Relative URL and the Custom parameters. For example, products/?SearchText=widget&Page=3

New: The following custom parameters passed in the URL as name value pairs are now stored with the business object and passed back via any call to BusinessObject.URLParameters or the new BusinessObject.CustomURLParameters.

  • Properties stored as BusinessObject.PropertyNames
  • Methods stored as BusinessObject.MethodNames
  • Filter stored as BusinessCollection.Filter
  • SearchText stored as BusinessCollection.SearchText
  • Sort stored as BusinessCollection.Sort
  • Columns stored as BusinessCollection.ColumnNames
  • ItemsPerPage stored as BusinessCollection.ItemsPerPage
  • Page stored as BusinessCollection.Page

New: The following methods can be called via a URL. For example: /default.aspx?PageType=MethodView&Collection=Products&Method=ClearFilter or /pages/clearfilter.

  • ClearFilter
  • ClearSort

New: The method BusinessObject.GetHTMLBreadCrumbs was created to be used in a template for a business object. Not only will it display the collection or primary object of the current object but also display filters on any collection in the trail.

New: Collection view design when PageType=CollectionView or a collection does not have a template to display in.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.AllowNewItems has been removed and is no longer applicable. Use AllowExecute on the collection method AddNew.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.AllowViewItems has been removed and is no longer applicable. Use CollectionClassDefinition.AllowView.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.DefaultFilterPropertyNames will display in the filter menu in the collection view.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.DefaultSortPropertyNames will display in the sort menu in the collection view.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.GenerateHTMLFilterMenu will generate a filter menu based on one of the columns in a collection. For example, author on blog posts will return a list of authors with blog posts. Clicking on an author will return only their blog posts.

New: CollectionClassDefinition.GenerateHTMLFilterMenus will generate multiple filter menu based on select columns in a collection. For example, on products you may include category, brand, supplier, price range.

New: Any property or parameter (ValueDefinition) can have a selection filter (not just ItemDefinition). For example, Country, State and Region or Year, Month and Published On.

New: You can now SetLockedFilter on a collection which means the user cannot modify it. This is also the case if a filter is specified in the definition of a collection or a property or parameter which specifies a collection or item of a collection.

New: When searching for text in a articles collection the PlainTextContent is also searched.

New: By default when a HTML property is edited the full toolbar will be displayed by administrators otherwise a minimal toolbar will be displayed.

New: You can now set the URL for check out. By default it will go to Request Billing Details.

New: Items that have sub-items such as Menu Items, Groups and Categories are now sorted by default by the parent's sort followed by the position and title. This was done by creating a custom column on each table which returns a string for the sort.

New: Property User.NameIncludingNickname in the format "John (Legend) Mitchell" :).

New: BusinessObject.GetPropertyValue will now return a method's default parameter value. For example, on an DefaultRating = Article.GetPropertyValue("SubmitReview.Rating").

New: The following methods have been added Common.GenerateRandomString(Length, [CharacterSet]) and Common.IsNumericType(Value).

  • Common.GenerateRandomString(Length, [CharacterSet])
  • Common.IsNumericType(Value)
  • Common.GenerateHTMLPageControls(URL, Items, Page, ItemsPerPage, DefaultItemsPerPage)
  • Common.GenerateHTMLSearchControl(URL, [SearchText], [Title], [Placeholder])

New: Course.CreateMenuStructure whichs creates a menu structure of the modules and activities.

New: CourseActivity.Start and CourseActivity.Complete which mark the activity with status of in progress or complete.

Fix: To MyStatus on Courses, Modules and Activities.

Fix: Several issues in the new process path.

Fix: Error in Group.ProcessSubscription.

Fix: Output error in Common.GenerateHTMLVideo.

Fix: Now allow users to delete their stored payment methods.

Fix: Class definitions did not include inherited custom properties and methods.

Fix: Email recipient could not open email in browser.

Fix: Custom collections were not found if wrong case or missing custom prefix (underscore).

Fix: When saving a new business collection item and the collection is already disposed.

Fix: Clicking a menu item will only open in new windwow when the URL protocol is http or https.