Update 3.10.0

New: You can now specify multiple language sites. This should be used when duplicating sites for different cultures (language and/or location). It tells the search engines that the content in the other sites is duplicated for another culture. This way the search engines will not penalise you for having duplicate content. Also, visitors will be redirected to the appropriate site based on their default culture (language and current location). To do this follow these steps for every site:

  • Set all supported languages for all sites in each site
  • Set base culture code for each site
  • Set Domains in Configure Website for each site (make all the same)
    • Format: [Domain], [Culture Code]; [Domain], [Culture Code]; etc
    • Example: www.theinternetplatform.com, en; www.theinternetplatform.com.au, en-AU; www.theinternetplatform.com.cn, zn-CN
    • Note: The first domain should be the default where the user is redirected if no culture is matched.

Error: When filtering a collection with a boolean property.