Update 3.18.8

New: Use Order.HasBookings to determine if any of the items are for service bookings.

New: Style classes Past, Today and Future added to calendar view cells.

New: Can now set the default sort order for article and directory views via Configure Components.

New: Can now create a custom registration form and set the URL in Configure Components. For example, register.aspx.

Fix: Register.SubscribeToEmailMarketing and CartItems.RequestBillingDetails.SubscribeToEmailMarketing now default to No.

Fix: Changed wording relating to an order confirmation / invoice to use Application.InvoiceDisplayName.

Fix: Duplicate Template Scripts and Stylesheets are removed when web page generated.

Fix: If a table column is readonly (due to being computed), it is not added in the update or insert scripts.

Fix: ServiceTimes.SpecifyUsers business names were returning error stating they were required when not.

Fix: Recreate an index on tax rates making it unique.