Update 5.28.1

Fix: To requests that return JSON will now always return an object.

Fix: To scripts in base.3.2.js.

Fix: To styles in base.3.2.css.

Update 5.28.0

New: [Submit And Stay] button on system generated forms. By default ClassDefinition.SubmitAndSaveDisplayName is "Save & Stay" and MethodDefinition.SubmitAndSaveDisplayName is nothing which means it won't display unless set to something.

New: StylesheetDefinition and ScriptDefinition.

New: StylesheetDefinition, ScriptDefinition, XMLDefinition and JSONDefinition properties are displayed in an editor with colour coding.

New: GenerateHTMLDropDown generates a dropdown with a fieldset of radio buttons if single-select or checkboxes if multi-select.

New: GenerateHTMLSelect and GenerateHTMLFieldset now have an additional properties NoValueText which is what is displayed when there is an option with no value.

New: base.3.2.js replaces base.3.1.js and backend.2.1.js.

New: base.3.2.css replaces base.3.1.css and backend.2.1.css.

Update 5.27.0

New: API can now accept a post: you can use the same URL commands as per standard HTML requests. When posting data specify the format via the HTTP header Content-Type (see post MIME types below). You can specify the format you want returned in the HTTP header Accept (see accept MIME type below). You can also specify the returned format in the URL. For example, /json/tags/, /xml/tags/widgets/ or /csv/categories/.

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded - post only
  • multipart/form-data - post only
  • text/html - accept only
  • application/json - post and accept
  • application/xml - post and accept
  • text/csv - post and accept

New: The system now creates a user access token for the device/agent they are logging in via. To retrieve the access token via API post the UserName and Password to /getuseraccesscode/. To use the token in an API call set the request header Authorization to "Bearer [token]".

New: You can now specify how long the system will store the user access token for auto login after a user ticks Remember Me.

New: You can now specify how long the system will store who the initial referral was.

New: Cookies are now only available using HTTPS and only visible on client where necessary. For example, A cookie named CookiesEnabled can be set client side depending on the user's consent.

New: Automated task results now store the HTTP Status Code return when the task was run. Results will also always be stored when an error occurs.

New: When a task is run the system will auto login the creator of the task unless otherwise specified with the AutoLogin property.

New: Attachment.SetToProperty will now also list properties with type of WebAddress.

New: Adding class="nav" to an input control will, on change, navigate to the value which is presumably a URL.

Fix: The noscript tag is only output on first session load and now uses the canonical URL.

Fix: Payment instructions URL included on invoice and order status message.

Fix: Collection.AddNew by default returns the new BusinessCollectionItem rather than a URL to the new item. This was implemented so API requests can post new items.

Fix: Form input value replacement.

Update 4.19.3

Fix: When a method is not editable all parameters default values are used.

Update 5.26.0

New: GenerateHTMLFieldset works like GenerateHTMLSelect however outputs a fieldset of inputs of type radio when single select or checkbox when multiple select.

New: BusinessObject.ToFormValues returns a NameValueCollection of property values.

New: BusinessObject.MethodToFormValues returns a NameValueCollection of parameter default values.

New: BusinessObject.MethodToJSON returns JSON of parameter default values.

New: BusinessObject.MethodToXML returns XML of parameter default values.

New: BusinessObject.MethodToCSV returns CSV of parameter default values.

Fix: Replace HTML control values when preloading a form. Also, now sets radio buttons and checkboxes when used instead of selects.