Update 5.28.0

New: [Submit And Stay] button on system generated forms. By default ClassDefinition.SubmitAndSaveDisplayName is "Save & Stay" and MethodDefinition.SubmitAndSaveDisplayName is nothing which means it won't display unless set to something.

New: StylesheetDefinition and ScriptDefinition.

New: StylesheetDefinition, ScriptDefinition, XMLDefinition and JSONDefinition properties are displayed in an editor with colour coding.

New: GenerateHTMLDropDown generates a dropdown with a fieldset of radio buttons if single-select or checkboxes if multi-select.

New: GenerateHTMLSelect and GenerateHTMLFieldset now have an additional properties NoValueText which is what is displayed when there is an option with no value.

New: base.3.2.js replaces base.3.1.js and backend.2.1.js.

New: base.3.2.css replaces base.3.1.css and backend.2.1.css.